Kitchen Table Conversations

What are kitchen party conversations? 

Many of Prahran’s residents are disheartened by the current political process, and the impact that this process is having on our democracy.

We have seen in the last federal election the impact that the election of Community Independents has had on our political landscape, and we feel that it’s time our voice was heard and that we are really listened to.

We are exhausted listening to Federal party policy lines being rehashed and reused and then handed over to Prahran as policy. We want to feel as if the needs of the people in our electorate also matter, we want a political representative who knows who we are, and who is willing to listen to us and represent us fairly and with integrity,

We are a non-partisan organisation.

Kitchen table conversations, used widely by independent politicians, are a grass roots tool that are both simple and powerful.  These are conversations that can happen in your local pub, café or around your own table to discuss what really matters to you. 

Whether it be the climate crisis, access to affordable housing, childcare, cost of living, anxiety about your immediate environment, overplanning, under planning, access to healthcare, educational opportunities. What’s important is what matters to you. 

You might bring together your friends, neighbors, relatives or those living in your street.

The important thing is to have these conversations and then lets us know what that is  important to you so that your voices can be heard where it matters; in the seats of Parliament. 

The Steps to Hosting a Kitchen Table Conversation

  • Set a meeting date
  • Invite up to nine friends/family/colleagues/neighbors/community members to your home, the pub, a local café, the local park or other suitable venue.
  • Collect contact details for the group
  • Facilitate the discussion
  • Ensure there is a summary of the opinions and ideas of your group and that it is forwarded to the Voices of Prahran at
  • Invite participants to register on the website if they are interested in becoming involved in our movement
  • Create a positive ripple – suggest that participants talk about their discussions and the ideas that emerged with other people at work or home or in their community.

Some Simple and Effective Ground Rules for Running the Meeting

Meetings full of people with good intent can still come unstuck. A simple and balanced set of ground rules will go a long way to achieving a productive meeting.

It is important the host establishes the ground rules as soon as introductions are over. The following five such rules are tried and well-tested:

  • We accept that everyone is entitled to have a say
  • We will make the effort to listen to one another
  • We respect people’s right to their opinions, even if we disagree
  • We will try at all times to be constructive
  • We will try to stay on track

It is important that people at the meetings are provided with the chance to hear these suggested ground rules; and that they indicate their willingness to adhere to them during the course of the discussion. If necessary, the host can draw people’s attention back to them all or some in particular.

Voices of Prahran acknowledge The Victorian Women’s Trust and Voices for Indi in creating and refining the Kitchen Table Conversation model.

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